Pre-APM Survey Monkey

From ilriapm2010 ilriwikis

To keep people engaged in the run-up to APM and to get a bit of a feel for what they think about livestock goods and bads we propose asking people to complete a very brief online survey. Alan may use some stats from this for his opening remarks. The following are some ideas for survey questions:

  • What percent of global greenhouse gas emissions are attributable to livestock?

12% 18% 51% none of the above Which is the GHG that livestock contribute the most to: Methane CO2 nitrous oxide?

  • In global terms do you think livestock are, on balance:

a pathway out of poverty? or polluters of the planet?

  • In Subsaharan Africa do you think livestock are, on balance:

a pathway out of poverty? or polluters of the planet?

  • In South Asia do you think livestock are, on balance:

a pathway out of poverty? or polluters of the planet?

  • The major bad associated with livestock is:

Climate change Environmental/water pollution Overgrazing and loss of biodiversity Zoonotic disease Land use and deforestation Other - please specify