Logistics Actions

From ilriapm2010 ilriwikis

Action Lists for Logistics Committee

Item No. Action points Details of work Person responsible Status
1 List of participants and their itinerary Participants will register online. And Wubalem will compile and disseminate to all concerned.

Registration of Board and SAP members

Registration of Directorate

After registration, participants or their designates will directly contact Tibebe for visa, etc. arrangements.

Terry Muindi

Catherine Thiongo

Updated list was emailed to Million and Tibebe on :
* February 19th
* March 9th
* March 18th
* March 26
* April 1
* April 8
* April 10
See the summary of registered participants

2 Visa arrangements Information supplied by eventbrite
end of march, all visa facilitation letters ready
visas on arrival - under control
add reminder in final letter to participants.
Tibebe and Liaison team Tibebe is directly contacting participants.
3 Vehicle requirements Airport transfer - not via hotels.

Local movement
- propose shuttle buss service time
Liaison (Tibebe) and Transport (Wolde)

Million and Loza
Need to chase people
4 Plenary Tent Set up of Plenary tent to be ready on Wednesday April 7.

Set up of Plenary tend for testing all logistics on March 24. Peter needs to inform his convenient time.

Check the number of chairs and table available at Zebu club

It seems possible if we have the podium and staging in middle of one of the long sides with chairs in a semi-circle. We need to have 3 screens for Powerpoints and excess light is a problem.

VGA splitters have arrived.

Million and Loza

5 Marketplace Set up of 'Marketplace' in the large auditorium on Friday morning.
Set up of stands etc ready by lunchtime April 16
Million/Azeb's team
6 Meeting room equipment/labour 1. Lap top – secure laptops with Office 2007 from IT

2. LCD projector (6)
3. Podium
4. Pin boards (6 new, 6 old)
5. Flip charts (7)
6. PA system (6)

7. Stage


Tesfaye and team
7 Participant name tags A few name tags will be prepared for organizers and visitors.
cheap badges for all? from eventbrite; link to game?
MIS team
8 Office requirements Internet Café and computer lab will be made ready for use by participants.

The InfoCentre will serve as a “Yammer Space” for participants to connect to wireless and work on their laptops.
Ketema, Azeb

Peter, Azeb
9 Secretarial assistance Themes and OPs will be reminded to use their own assistants

A central place - APM helpdesk - Abeba A? Infocenter.

reconfirmation tickets - come to liaison / or Hiwot goes to APM helpdesk?
10 Flower arrangements Housing and InfoCentre to organize Million and Azeb
11 Front entrance / lobby Change the face of the lobby displays.

Statue of cow
(is this necessary?)
Azeb Abraham

Azeb Abraham
12 Grounds - Repair and maintenance
- Grass and flowers
Compound upkeep
Tesfaye and team
13 Utilities - Check if direct phone lines are working
- Water flow

- Electricity (generator)
- Liaison and IT

- Liaison and Engineering

- Engineering
14 Accommodation needs, services and catering Two hotels have been booked. Both hotels have wireless and cabled internet access.
* Beshale Hotel has only 20 rooms available.
* Panorama Hotel – 30 rooms have been booked.
* Beshale have agreed to provide morning transport.
* Panorama Hotel have agreed to provide morning and evening transport.
* Intercontinental - 15 rooms booked, no pickups

Actual hotel need will be determined by the number of registered participants. Priority ILRI booking will be given to Directors, Board members and guests.

Rooms will be allocated on first come first served basis. Final room allocation list to be forwarded to Tibebe
Million and Housing team

15 Special lunches/dinners and receptions - P&C cocktail in the InfoCenter on the 14th, to be paid for by P&C.
- Marketplace and cocktail for all participants on the 16th.
- Closing dinner on the 17th.
Million and Catering team
16 Welcoming gestures Travellers’ info package on ILRINET and addis-wiki Loza DONE
17 Marketplace See marketplace proposal

Attach a map of the Marketplace to the program and marketplace invitations.
18 Notification to Zebu club members For APM week – Zebu to be closed 5:00pm onwards. Million and team
19 Clinic On 24-hours stand-by for 10–17 April.

10–14 for Board meeting
15–17 for APM
Dr. Mikael
(Jacob to inform Dr. Mikael)
20 Receptionists and telephone service Receptionists to be on duty daily up to 8:00pm during 10–17 April. Tibebe
21 Group photo Apollo and Loza to organize Apollo, Loza
22 Estimated budget Prepare a draft budget based on previous APM expenditures conducted in
I have prepared and included in the APM budget for the required service
costs as per details requests.
Million, Tibebe Done
23 Filming equipment from Nairobi Clare has sent her film information for processing at the Ministry of Information. I (Loza) will process submit it to the Ministry of Information. Loza
24 Flight details Flight details of registered participants are missing. Liaison Unit is contacting and collecting flight details of participants. Updated/last version of details list will be forwarded to Million and Wubalem.

Reserve flight details of guest speakers.

25 ILRINET Suggest to send reminder for registered participants to check ILRINet frequently for update on brown bag, poster, and market place Alan Done
26 Invitees for Market Place Update list of invitees for market place i.e. include SNV, ECOPIA, biofuel companies, farms [Geniuses, Sebeta], IPMS partners and update media lists. Loza
27 Pen and note pad Get price of pen and note pads from Mr. Mulatu [Store] to incorporate in the budget Million
28 Actual Expenditures Recommend to update actual expenditures incurred on wiki All
29 Theme Meeting Send a reminder for Theme Leaders to book meeting rooms.

Book meeting rooming according to their request.
