Welcome and State of Union

From ilriapm2010 ilriwikis

Session Title

Welcome, State of the Union, Ice-breaker

Process/format details

Chair: Dirk Hoekstra 0915: Welcome and APM routemap - Alan Duncan 0925: State of the Union - Carlos Sere (powerpoint) 0945: Open floor Q&A 0950: Icebreaker - see below? moving towards the themes of the APM (goods and bads): Julius Nyangaga/Nadia Manning to facilitate 1000: End

Icebreaker: Get people to position themselves across the tent between the extremes of livestock goods (one end) and livestock bads (other end) Q1 - where is your personal work directed ... in terms of maximising goods or mitigating bads Q2 - where do you think ilri's overall effort is focused ... in terms of maximising goods or mitigating bads Q3 - where should ilri be focusing its efforts ... in terms of maximising goods or mitigating bads

then move out to coffee